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Today's Sermon Illustration: Child Sacrifice

"Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless."  Ecclesiastes 5:10 NIV

Today's sermon was based on our Old Testament reading, Ecclesiastes 5:10-20. Pastor Wamala started off his sermon with the story of a man who is apparently well-known in Uganda and who many years ago sacrificed his child so that he could be wealthy. He is indeed a very wealthy man now, but every time he goes to sleep, takes a break or tries to enjoy the benefits of his wealth, the spirit of his child is there haunting him of what he did, telling him to work harder and earn more money. He is never able to rest and is consumed with increasing his wealth. Wow! What an illustration. Not something you would hear in the States, but appropriate for this culture and a powerful illustration at least to me. Although it's a practice not sanctioned by many, sacrifice does happen here. Human sacrifice is more powerful than animal, and child sacrifice is more powerful than an adult. The closer in relation to you, the more powerful the sacrifice. Parents will pierce the ears of girls and more and more boys are circumcised, all in an attempt to make them not perfect, a blemished human being. Therefore, if they are kidnapped, they might be spared. Sadly, this is a practice done by the wealthy to protect a new business venture and to ensure their success. I don't know how white children rate, but this will be a fear of ours once our son is born and a constant prayer request. Referring back to the illustration, this man sacrificed his child for his wealth, but learned too late that it was a curse and not a blessing. True wealth only comes from God, not from any material possessions. "Naked a man comes from his mother's womb, and as he comes, so he departs. He takes nothing from his labor that he can carry in his hand." Ecclesiastes 5:15  -Krista