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Easter! He is risen!

~ banana plants in front of church ~ Kampala Lutheran Congregation was packed this morning for Easter service. It was a beautiful day and Josiah was in good form. A couple of young banana plants graced the front entrance to the tent and the breeze was just barely enough to keep the temperature pleasant. ~ banner presented by MMP ~ Worship is always great with a full church - voices raised in song, uniform in creed, and united in prayer - what an uplifting experience.  God comes to us in every worship service with His gifts and grace, of course, but there is such encouragement when we can share in His gifts with a multitude of brothers and sisters! 

At the close of the worship service, two short-term mission volunteers with the Missions Made Possible (MMP) team had a special gift for the congregation. These two volunteers also happen to be the parents of co-worker Rev. Jacob Gillard - and our good friends. They presented a beautiful banner which reads "risen indeed."

~ Easter goodies at dinner ~ After church we enjoyed a wonderful Easter dinner at our apartment. Krista had dyed a few eggs and broke out the very special M&Ms and chocolate eggs that we received from the States (thanks, Mom and Liz). We had a few friends over for an excellent meal featuring garlic-infused teriyaki steak, scalloped potatoes, carrot soufflé, deviled eggs, and a side salad. After dinner (some time after dinner, that is, - we all ate too much during the meal) Krista revealed her amazing apple pie!

It was a fabulous celebration and we joyfully proclaimed with millions of Christians all over the world - He is risen!  
