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Got a leak? Get a bucket.

A few months ago we had some water damage in the ceiling in our bedroom. It was getting worse so I called the landlord to take a look at it while we were out of town. It was all nice looking and repainted when we got back. Just last week I asked him what he found. Here's how it went:

Landlord: There was a leak in the roof, so someone put a bucket up there to collect the water.

Me: A bucket? In the attic space?

Landlord: A bucket. It was full. Overflowing.

Me: A bucket? In the attic space? To catch a leak?

Landlord: When it overflowed it dripped onto the ceiling.

Me: Was I supposed to be emptying a bucket in the attic after it rains?

Landlord: We emptied it. Then we painted.

Me: Um. Okay.

I'm still not clear if they actually fixed the leak or if I'm supposed to find a ladder, crawl up there, and empty some bucket every time it rains. I think I'm just going to forget about it. I got enough buckets to worry about already.
