Birthday weekend is under way
Every few years my birthday (April 10th) falls pretty close to Easter. Which can be pretty cool except when my birthday is on Good Friday or Holy Saturday. That makes for an introspective day of celebration. But this year my birthday is just after Easter. Krista, being the awesome cook that she is, surprised me this evening with a special drink to kick off my, as she put it, "birthday weekend."
Krista made me a decaf caramel chocolate latte from scratch! That, of course, starts with making caramel from sugar and vanilla beans (in their pod, mind you). Then she has to make the chocolate sauce from cocoa powder and sugar. Then she whipped the cream. Then she added a decaf Starbucks Via (thank you, supporters from St. Andrew's-Cape Girardeau who bring us Starbucks). It was amazing. And I'm not disappointed in the least that she didn't make the decaf coffee from scratch too - I'm sure she could if she had to.
Yay Krista! Yay birthday weekend! What is she working on in the kitchen now? I'll keep you updated as the culinary masterpieces are presented.