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Field Notes Newsletter

Writing from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
July 13, 2021

A Year of Change - A Baby, A Promotion, and New Ministries

The past year has been described in many ways - "The COVID Year," "The Lost Year," and the heavily-loaded "2020." For our family, it felt all these ways and more. The past 18 months have brought significant changes to our lives - and not only because of the pandemic. We have missed opportunities to share these changes with you and are only able to point out some highlights in this short note. Our family remains deeply grateful for your faithful prayers, encouragement, and support even when you haven't heard from us in this newsletter format. Here are the three highlights from the past year or so that we want to feature for you: a new baby, a promotion, and new ministries in the midst of the pandemic. Our family has been in the United States over the summer with very limited travel as we welcomed Esther and is eagerly anticipating a return to Kenya in the first week of August. 


Introducing Baby Esther Trump

With great joy, we introduce Esther Trump, the newest member of our family. Esther was born in May and is thriving and healthy. She was baptized at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin a few days after her birth. Her brothers dote on her and are eager helpers, frequently arguing over who will get to hold her. Krista is doing well and Esther is starting to settle into a routine. 


Shauen Accepts Position of Regional Director for Africa

Shauen has been asked to serve as the Regional Director for Africa, adding responsibility for West and Central Africa to his existing responsibility for Eastern and Southern Africa. As The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod’s Regional Director for Africa, Shauen regularly engages church leaders in more than 25 countries to equip, enable, and encourage them in the work the Lord has put before them to spread the gospel, plant Lutheran churches and train church workers, and show mercy. In support of this, Shauen supervises the LCMS missionaries across the continent, coordinates with other entities, mission societies, and church bodies, and communicates with the boards, institutions, districts, congregations, and members of the LCMS. He also oversees the implementation of convention and board directives and the development and execution of strategies, programs, projects, and grants for Africa. 


Ministry in the Africa Region

Bishop Selestine Seburikoko of The Lutheran Mission in Africa - Synod of Thousand Hills Hosts a Live Radio Broadcast Show to Proclaim The Gospel across Rwanda
Last year, ministry around the world changed drastically. Government orders across Africa closed schools at all levels including seminaries, worship services were suspended, travel restrictions were imposed, and international airports were closed. Then as the situation wore on, things opened up, and then closed again, and then opened again. Despite the challenges and the suspension of some opportunities, the Lord also provided new avenues to proclaim the Gospel - through significant new radio programs, for example - and new ways to compassionately care for those around us through economic and educational COVID relief programs. The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod quickly pivoted to provide grants in support of these new opportunities and expects to continue providing such support for the year ahead as the nations of Africa continue to seek the best ways to protect their citizens while preserving their livelihoods.

Photos in Focus

The Trump Boys


Prayer Requests

For quick receipt of two of our children's passports that are still with the US State Department

For the Trump boys as they wrap up summer - that their school in Kenya may open on schedule and continue in-person learning throughout the year

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For Shauen in his new role as regional director and the missionaries, projects, and relationships he oversees for the church

For the people of Africa as governments seek to protect citizens while preserving livelihoods
In Praise

For healthy and thriving Baby Esther and our family's ability to return to the States for her birth in May

For radio broadcast programs supported by The LCMS, particularly in Rwanda and Tanzania

For the LCMS's faithful and generous support of missionaries and mission opportunities throughout the challenges of the pandemic

For Josiah, Elijah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah's good health and warm welcome of Esther

For Shauen's completion of coursework for his PhD and opportunity to start his comprehensive exams and dissertation in the months ahead
Financial Support
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Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034