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Love Feast at Kampala Lutheran Church

Kampala Lutheran Church - off Ggaba Rd in Kabalagala, KampalaThe believers "broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved" (Acts 2:46b-47).  Scripture speaks of a love feast, an Agape meal, where the early church would come together for fellowship and food.  Guidance concerning this meal (which in its earliest form seems to have been the celebration of Holy Communion but later is clearly an additional meal) can be found in 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Peter 2, and Jude 12. Churches across the world today celebrate such a love feast from time to time, and congregations of the LCMU (Lutheran Church Mission in Uganda) are no exception. 

Today after Sunday worship at the Kampala congregation, we celebrated a love feast.  Lunch was catered from the same little restaurant down the street where I eat on TEE weekends.  The menu included rice, matoke (a type of cooking banana), chapati (an unleavened flat bread originally from India), beef in a broth, baked beans, peanut sauce, and your choice of drink - Coca-Cola, Fanta (orange), Mirinda Fruity (I think this is black-cherry or black currant), or Mirinda Orange.  After being served a heaping plate full of delicious food and grabbing a pop, we went back into the tent where we worship to eat together and visit.  What a joyous and fun meal!  Kampala congregation intends to celebrate a love feast at least once a quarter, but this is the first time they've done it since we arrived.  It was awesome.  Feast on, brothers and sisters, in the joy of the Lord!   -Shauen